Volumes Helpcenter

We’re here to help you

Frequently Asked Questions

How  do I get started?

To get started, simply open the Spark application and follow the steps. You don’t need to register, you don’t need to prepay or topup any balance, there’s no binding contract too.

Where do I take the spreadsheet from?

The idea behind our product is that you already have your recipients in an Excel Spreadsheet – either exported from your CRM or elsewhere. We strongly encourage you to not purchase phone DataBases anywhere – you will not get the traction you want and people will be drawn away from your brand.

How do I prepare the file?

Simply put the column with numbers first. That’s it. Any additional columns to the right of it (email, login, date etc.) you can use as variables in the body of your message. Example: Dear <2>, please refill your account. The due date is <3>.

Will every message get delivered?

Not every handset is connected to the network 24/7, so unfortunately we can’t guarantee 100% delivery. However we do ensure that every number is scanned before sending – therefore every message travels a correct route and if number is invalid – you will get a report with that information (provided you opt-in for the report).

Do you support chat applications?

Facebook Messanger, Telegram, Viber and others will be added soon in our update.

Do you provide High-quality routes?

We value our reputation, therefore we ensure, that all routes requests that can be matched are matched with clean and quality direct routes. That’s what our TOP Offer consists of.

Do you have 24/7 Support?

Yes, our engineers are the largest consumers of coffee in town.

How flexible are you in payments?

We value customer satisfaction above all, therefore when it comes to payments we are always willing to be understanding and find common grounds. Contract terms are pretty clear on the overdue fees, however we are humans and want to build strong business relationships.

Can you help with marketing?

We provide all range of digital service and when it comes to marketing – we do mobile targeted campaigns – that is what works best these days.

What is Extent?

Extent is a global communications platform. It’s primry goal is to connect high-volumes enterprises with their audience.

How is it different from Spark?

While Spark focuses on Speed of order, does not require registration, it is also limited in terms of analytics and customization. Extent is aimed for delivering more sophisticated features to long-term registered users.

When will you launch it?

This year, have patience 😉

Haven’t found your answer?

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